Increasing numbers of UK and Irish school-leavers are opting to apply to degree programmes in Europe.

Why are they doing this?

Programmes are taught in English

Students can study degree programmes in a full range of subjects, through the English language. The lectures are in English, books are in English, projects are in English and all of your classmates ….. wherever they come from …… are fluent in English. In addition, the community, in many of your target countries, are fluent in English, particularly in most countries in Northern Europe. In any event, the language of employment – in Science, IT, Engineering and Business – is increasingly English, so many local students are now studying through English, to boost their own employment prospects.

Places are available

Students can study degree programmes in a full range of subjects, Universities are actively seeking UK and Irish students. Places are available on degree programmes, in a wide range of disciplines, including Health Sciences, Arts & Humanities, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Engineering & IT and Business.

Quality of the education

Of course, this is what it is all about. Even with all the other advantages, you need to be sure that, by studying abroad, you will be receiving an education that is of good quality. Reassuringly, these programmes are offered by some of Europe’s leading Research Universities as well as some excellent Universities of Applied Sciences and University Colleges, which are career-oriented institutions

Realistic Entry requirements

In most countries, you have a Right to an Educaton, if you meet minmum entry requirements. These requirements are invariably lower, often significantly, than those being set by Irish and UK universities. This is not a reflection of quality, though note that nine Dutch universities are higher-ranked than Trinity College, Dublin. It is a simply an indicator that, in Ireland and the UK, our third-level education system is under pressure, as more and more students chase a small number of places in our universities. In this context, ponts/grades are merely demand indicators

Free or Low Fees

The cost of attending many universities is often much lower than registering for an equivalent programme in Ireland or the UK. There are no fees for UK (currently, pending Brexit) and Irish students studying in the four Scandinavian countries, or Germany. In the Netherlands, fees are just over €2000 pa. Fees are also low in Italy. In addition, where there are fees, some countries offer Tuition Fee Loans, which cover these fees, with generous repayment terms. Other countries, subject to conditions, offer loans or grants to contribute to living expenses. Irish students who are qualified for Maintenance Grants can take them with them, to public programmes in Continental Europe.

The Experience

Going to university, whether at home or abroad, isn’t just about studying. By studying in another country, you will have a fantastic opportunity to experience a different culture and lifestyle, and acquire levels of self-confidence and self-knowledge which are unlikely to gt at home. If you are independent-minded, with a sense of adventure and a bit of initiative, studying abroad is a life-changing experience.

Create a Unique Selling Point

Studying for your undergraduate programme abroad will ensure your CV is unique. In a global employment market, employers are increasingly looking for key personnel with international perspectives, experience and networks.